The abstract should be written in English and sent by September 29.
All the submitted abstracts will be published in electronic format under ISBN.
Recommended structure:
– The text itself will have a maximum of 300 words (maximum 2000 characters, not including the title, authors and affiliation)
– Tables, graphs and summary photos are not accepted
– Abbreviations will be explained when they first appear in the text
– A separate line must be inserted for a maximum of 3 keywords
– The bibliography is not included in the text of the abstract
– Abstracts previously presented will not be accepted
IMPORTANT! For the submitted abstract to be accepted, at least the first author must be registered as a participant (either onsite or online) in the congress.
The participation fee should be paid until September 30.
The authors of the accepted abstracts will be notified until October 1st. The Committee will review all submitted abstracts. Notification regarding abstract acceptance and scheduling will be sent to the submitting author.
Înregistrarea rezumatelor este indisponibilă
Termenul limită pentru înregistrarea participanților a fost 29.09.2022, ora 23:59!
Termenul limită pentru înregistrarea participanților a fost 29.09.2022, ora 23:59!